Wilms tumor in a school patient, a case report
Pediatrics, Wilms Tumor, Nephroblastoma, Nephrectomy, General Surgery.Abstract
Introduction:?nephroblastoma or Wilms tumor is the most common primary malignant renal neoplasm in children. Its incidence is 1 per 10,000 children under 15 years of age and its prevalence is 7% of neoplasms of this age and 90% of all childhood renal tumors.
Objective:?to describe the case of a Wilms tumor in a schoolboy.
Presentation of the case:?Male, white, 8-year-old patient with no relevant personal or family pathological history. He was admitted to the emergency room for presenting an anemic picture after repeated hematuria, low back pain and changes in vital parameters. He was diagnosed with stage I left nephroblastoma, according to his symptoms and complementary imaging. A left unilateral total nephrectomy was performed in addition to vincristine-based post-surgical chemotherapy with favorable evolutionary results.
Conclusions:?nephroblastoma usually has a late clinical diagnosis (with imaging support). The most effective treatment consists of open or laparoscopic surgery with post-surgical chemotherapy. The prognosis will depend on the speed of diagnosis and the stage of the tumor.
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