Characterization of patients with diarrheal disease, Cienfuegos 2013-2018
Children, Child development, Child's Health, Dysentery, Acute diarrheaAbstract
Introduction: acute diarrheal disease of infectious cause has been the subject of investigations due to its high incidence among infants.
Objective: to characterize patients with acute infectious diarrheal disease at the Paquito Gonz?lez Cueto University Teaching Provincial Hospital among 2013-2018.
Method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out. The universe was made up of 6090 cases. Worked with the entire universe. Variables: year of diagnosis, age and sex of the patient, origin according to municipality of residence, diagnosis at admission and diagnosis at discharge. Descriptive statistics and epidemiological indicators were applied.
Result: the year 2016 stood out with the largest number of patients (n=1379; 22.6%). The male sex stood out with 3,350 patients (55%) and an incidence rate of 116.67 per 10,000 inhabitants. The male/female ratio was 1.2:1. Ages under 1 year predominated in both sexes, with 2,864 cases. The largest report was presented by the municipality of Cienfuegos with 2,750 cases (45.15%). Acute diarrheal disease of non-infectious cause predominated as diagnostic suspicion on admission (n = 5,078; for 83.38%). The infectious cause of viral origin stood out with 5,403 for 88.71%.
Conclusions: its behavior has been variable in the period analyzed. The numbers of cases were decreasing with the passing of the pediatric ages; with the male sex as the main exponent. The main municipality was the propitious place for transmission, represented mostly by viral agents
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