Characterization of the Health Status in a Clinic in the Municipality of Cienfuegos
Social Determinants of Health, Diagnosis of the Health Situation, Community Health Indicators, Disease Prevention, Health promotion, HealthAbstract
Introduction: The Health Situation Analysis is a work tool for family doctors and nurses. Its scope is multisectoral, and involves the participation of different sectors of the community in problem solving.
Objective: To characterize the health status of the population located in Clinic No. 8 of Health Area I, municipality of Cienfuegos.
Method: It was carried out an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study. The population studied was of 1,096 inhabitants and the sample was of 540 patients. Simple random probabilistic sampling was applied. The variables analyzed were age, sex, female population of childbearing age, births, educational level, occupation, current diseases, dispensary group, and risk factors. Descriptive statistics and epidemiological indicators were applied.
Result: The age group of 55-59 years stood out with 60 patients for 11.11%. The female sex stood out with 281 cases equivalent to 52.03%. The university level predominated with 143 cases 28.83%. Administrative functions stood out within the working population. Cases of arterial hypertension predominated with 115 patients for a 21.30%. Patients located in group III stood out with 336 for 62.22%.
Conclusions: The demographic aspects correspond to the statistical records, in correlation with the outstanding sex and age group. In turn, the educational and labor levels are elements of strength in their state of health. On the other hand, the outstanding diseases are typical of the predominant ages.
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