Failed intrathecal anesthesia, a case report



Spinal Anesthesia, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Anesthesiology


Introduction: spinal anesthesia is a simple technique that provides a quick and deep block for surgery, it is widely used for its safety and efficacy.


Objective: to describe the causes and anesthetic management of a case that, after being administered spinal anesthesia, complete failure of it was found.


Case Report: 30-year-old female patient, personal health history of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome type joint hypermobility, in addition to little anesthetic effect for dental extraction. She was announced to the operating room to electively perform bilateral partial salpingectomy. After performing intrathecal anesthesia without difficulty, the absence of sensory and motor blockade was verified. Initial anesthetic failure was

managed with general anesthesia inserting a laryngeal mask, obtaining favorable intraoperative results.


Conclusions: the causes and anesthetic management of a patient who, after applying intrathecal anesthesia to perform bilateral partial salpingectomy, found total

failure of anesthesia was described


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Author Biographies

Yuliel Varona Varona Rodriguez, Hospital General Docente Martín Chang Puga

Especialista en Anestesiolog?a y Reanimaci?n Profesor instructor

Adonis Cintra Cintra Dornes, Hospital General Docente Martín Chang Puga

Especialista en Ginecolog?a y Obstetricia

Profesor Asistente

Liliam María Castillo Manresa, Hospital General Docente Martín Chang Puga

Estudiante de Medicina


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How to Cite

Varona Rodriguez YV, Cintra Dornes AC, Castillo Manresa LM. Failed intrathecal anesthesia, a case report. Columna méd. [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 6 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];2(2):e89. Available from:



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