Characterization of patients with syphilis in the Matanzas municipality during 2021
Comorbidity, Sexually transmitted disease, Viral, Risk Factors, SyphilisAbstract
Introduction:?sexually transmitted diseases are a worldwide problem, being syphilis a sexually transmitted bacterial disease, it is curable if diagnosed and treated in its early stages. In Cuba, around 50,000 cases of sexually transmitted infections are reported annually, with an upward trend in recent years.
Objective:?to characterize patients with syphilis in the municipality of Matanzas during the year 2021.
Methods:?an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in the Matanzas municipality during the year 2021. The universe was made up of 236 patients with the disease and the selected sample was 31. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, sexual behavior , sexual preference and associated comorbidities. The collected data was processed in Excel. Descriptive statistics (absolute and relative frequencies) were used.
Results:?a greater predominance of the male sex was evidenced with 21 patients for 67.74% of patients aged between 31-40 years, of single patients for 48.38%, the number was higher with 51.61%. Of the patients identified as homosexuals, the largest number of patients were smokers, which represents 29.03%.
Conclusions:?it was possible to observe in this study that syphilis was transmitted mainly to men. The most affected age group was made up of adults over 30 years of age. Homosexuality was also found as one of the predisposing factors. It was evidenced as a predominant risk factor that the majority of the patients were smokers.
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