Pulmonary thrombosis after COVID-19 infection in a hypertensive patient, a case report
COVID-19, Hypertension, Infection, Respiratory system, Intensive care unit, VirusAbstract
Introduction: COVID-19 is a disease that decreases lung capacity, even more so if the infection occurs in patients with an underlying heart condition that could influence the respiratory system. Statistically, hypertension is the vascular condition most frequently associated with deaths from the virus.
Objective: to describe the clinical course of a hypertensive patient after being infected with COVID-19.
Case presentation: the case of a hypertensive patient for 26 years who started with symptoms suggestive of respiratory infection was presented. After being examined and with positive complementary tests, the patient was diagnosed with COVID-19 disease. He was treated in the Intensive Care Unit until he was discharged alive with marked improvement and negative tests for respiratory infection.
Conclusions: before a presumed respiratory infection, complementary drugs should be indicated, including the polymerase chain reaction. Once the infection is diagnosed, the patient should receive intensive therapy, monitoring, and treatment of complications.
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