Stomatological surgical risk in patients from office three of the South Area of G?ines, Mayabeque, Cuba



Patient Care, Risk Factors, Chronic Disease


Introduction: during the daily work of the stomatologist there is a group of patients who suffer from certain chronic diseases with whom a differentiated attention is necessary.


Objective: to identify patients who constitute a surgical risk who attend a dental consultation in the southern clinic belonging to the "Andr?s Ortiz Junco" Stomatological Clinic.

G?ines municipality, Mayabeque province.


Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in the southern clinic belonging to the "Andr?s Ortiz Junco" Stomatological Clinic in G?ines, Mayabeque, in the period from February to June 2022. The study population consisted of 52 patients who attended the consultation in said period and were interviewed. The variables studied were: age groups, sex, presence of surgical risk and the type of risk. The information was collected in the collection form, the data processed in digital format.


Results: there was a greater predominance of the age group over 60 years with 42.31% and the female sex with 57.69%. People with a history constituted 67.31%, with the highest values for arterial hypertension with 34.61% and Diabetes mellitus with 23.08%.


Conclusions: a greater predominance was evidenced in the group over 60 years of age and the female sex. More than half of the patients had a medical history, arterial hypertension being the most frequent.



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Author Biographies

Thalia Moreno Pérez, Clínica Estomatologica Andrés Ortiz Junco

Estudiante de tercer A?o de Estomatolog?a, Alumno Ayudante en EGI, Facultad de Ciencias M?dicas de Mayabeque,

Adria Ramos Padron, Clínica Estomatologica Andrés Ortiz Junco

Estudiante de 3er Año de Estomatología, Alumna Ayudante en EGI, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Mayabeque

Katyleidis Perez Acosta, Clínica Estomatologica Andrés Ortiz Junco

Estomatologa Especialista de primer grado en EGI profesora Auxiliar. Master en Urgencias Estomatologicas Investigador Agregado


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How to Cite

Moreno Pérez T, Ramos Padron A, Perez Acosta K, Saldaña Arbaizagoitia D. Stomatological surgical risk in patients from office three of the South Area of G?ines, Mayabeque, Cuba. Columna méd. [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 19 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];2(2):e72. Available from:



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