Fetal acardia in anadolescent pregnancy on the subject of a case
Pregnancy in Adolescence, Pregnancy Twin, Feto-Fetal Transfusion, Diseases in Twins.Abstract
Introduction:?fetal acardia is a rare complication of twin gestation. One of the twins does not have a head and/or heart, therefore he uses the heart of the other to satisfy his physiological needs. It is estimated that its frequency is 1 in every 35,000 twin pregnancies.
Presentation of the case: in this case, an adolescent pregnant woman with a twin pregnancy was described who presented cardiac alterations in the process of her first control at 12 weeks of gestation. Said alterations endanger the life of her second fetus, which is why a surgical intervention was decided on her, managing to rescue one of her fetuses.
Conclusions: doppler ultrasound has been shown to be an effective way to identify and classify acardia. Among the various forms of treatment, fetoscopic occlusion of the umbilical cord of the acardial twin managed to be a decisive technique to consider, thus avoiding further complications for the mother or the healthy twin.
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