Oral health habits in a population
Oral Health, Oral Hygiene, Habits.Abstract
Introduction: oral health depends on the habits and attitudes of people and communities.
Objective: to describe the oral health habits in a population.
Method: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out in June 2021, the universe of which was made up of 115 people from buildings 6, 7 and 8 belonging to CMF # 14 of La Sierpe, Sancti Sp?ritus. The sample was made up of 45 people chosen randomly, a survey was conducted on the following variables: sex, age, education, frequency and form of brushing, most important brushing, replacement of the toothbrush, use of dental floss, last visit to the stomatologist, most frequent reason and perception of consultations, oral self-examination, cariogenic diet and smoking. The data was processed in digital format using frequency tables.
Results: The female sex predominated with 73.3% and the age group from 18 to 39 years with 42.2%. 64.4% have reached the upper average level. 51.1% brush their teeth 3 or more times a day. 80% consider brushing before going to sleep more important. Only 15.6% use dental floss. 66.7% made their last visit to the stomatologist more than a year ago. 37.8% know about the oral self-examination but only 13.3% perform it. 62.2% consume sugary foods infrequently and 20% are smokers.
Conclusions: Oral health habits are inefficient, especially oral self-examination, flossing and preventive visits to the stomatologist, indicating the need for educational interventions.
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