Risk factors associated with dengue in patients belonging to the Family Medical Clinic No.2 Pedro del Toro Polyclinic
Water Supply, Arbovirus Infections, Dengue.Abstract
Introduction: from final of last century, the world has faced the emergence and resurgence of multiple infectious illnesses, among those that the fastidiousness, it has been one of those of more importance in morbility terms and mortality.
Objective: to identify the risk factors related to dengue that manifest in patients belonging to the Family Medical Office No.2.
Methods: was carried out an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study was carried out during the months of January-July 2020. The universe
was all the patients belonging to the Family Medical Office No.2 of the Pedro del Toro Polyclinic. The sample consisted of 104 patients diagnosed with dengue selected by unintentional probabilistic sampling. The variables were analyzed: sex, age, skin color, personal pathological history, body weight, environmental conditions through statistical significance.
Results: prevalence of the feminine sex with 60 patients (58%), the 1-10 year-old ages with 23 patients (43%) and of 61-70 years with 20 patients (28%), the white race with 72 patients (69%), the Arterial Hypertension with 40 patients (61%) and Diabetes Mellitus with 25 patients (38%), patients on weight with 40 (38%) and of the supply of water to regulate (85%).
Conclusions: the ages of more incidences are of 1-10 years and enter 61-70 years with prevalence of the feminine sex. The main personal pathological antecedents in the development of complications are the Arterial Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus. Most
of the patients that suffered this illness are on weight and under regular environmental conditions with prevalence of the supply of faulty water.
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