Advances and challenges in fetal surgery: key to the future of medicine in the 21st century



fetus, fetoscopy, artificial intelligence, medicine, neonatology


Fetal surgery has made remarkable progress in the last decade, transforming the treatment of congenital anomalies. This intervention, performed on the fetus before birth, has been enriched by minimally invasive surgical techniques, such as fetoscopy, which offer fewer risks for the mother and fetus. A significant milestone is the treatment of spina bifida, where fetuses undergoing surgery show better mobility and quality of life outcomes than those treated postnatally. However, ethical dilemmas arise regarding parental consent and equitable access to these techniques. Education of health professionals is crucial, given the complexity of the interventions, to improve decision-making and communication with families. Research continues to evolve, with gene therapy and artificial intelligence promising more accurate diagnoses and better outcomes. It is essential that parents are informed about the risks and benefits of fetal surgery and that evidence-based guidelines are established to facilitate informed decisions. Fetal surgery represents a major advance, but also poses ethical and social challenges that require a collaborative and humanitarian approach. Continued research and education are necessary to provide the best care for fetuses and their mothers, ensuring that these innovations are implemented ethically and effectively.


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How to Cite

Estrada Rodríguez Y, Mallagón Mendoza HD. Advances and challenges in fetal surgery: key to the future of medicine in the 21st century. Columna méd. [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];4(1):e224. Available from:



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