Level of knowledge about arboviruses in a Family Medical Office, Pinar del Río, 2023
Health Communication, Knowledge, Risk Factor's, Patients, Arbovirus InfectionsAbstract
Introduction: Arboviruses constitute a public health problem, with social and personal repercussions worldwide, in Cuba and specifically, in the province of Pinar del Río.
Objective: To evaluate the level of knowledge about arboviruses.
Methods: A non-observational, quasi-experimental research, before-after study, without a control group, was carried out between the months of January to July 2023. The universe was 366 patients and the sample was 175 of them. The study variables were: age, sex, level of knowledge about the definition, risk factors, symptoms and prevention and control measures for arboviruses. To collect the data, a survey was prepared for the purpose of the research. The data were processed in Microsoft Excel 2016, which allowed the calculation of absolute and relative percentage frequencies, as well as the storage of the information.
Results: The female sex predominated with 99 patients, for 56.57% with 49 people, between the ages of 40 to 49 years with 28%. 96.15% had an inadequate level of knowledge about the symptoms of arboviruses, this was modified after the educational activities developed in 100% of them.
Conclusions: The level of knowledge about arboviruses in the patients studied is inadequate, this is modified after applying the health communication plan, as appropriate.
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